About me

I am a Research Engineer at KTH Royal Institute of Technology working on indentification of novel plankton species from images under Prof. Josephine Sullivan. I worked on linear mode connectivity in neural loss landscapes as part of my Master’s thesis at RPL. Before that, I did my Bachelor’s at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, and spent a few years at Robert Bosch as a Software Engineer.

I am interested in understanding how and why modern learning methods work as well as they do. I wish to work towards establishing the scientific foundations of machine learning, particularly deep learning.

You can find my CV here, and my Master’s thesis report here.


Teaching Assistant for the following courses at KTH Royal Institute of Technology:

  • DD2424 Deep Learning in Data Science (Spring 2022)
  • DD2434 Machine Learning, Advanced Course (Autumn 2021)
  • DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2021, Autumn 2021, Spring 2022)